I worked for the biggest Auto Glass company in the world for 10 years. I loved working there, they paid by the job $32.40 a windshield. I made a lot of money, however the quality of work was not fantastic. There are guys installing 8 windshields a day, mobile, I was one of them. You know how to do 8 mobile windshield installations a day? Do not take the cowl off, do not be friendly to the customer, because they will want to chat. Do not do pre inspection, and hussle, cut windshield out - give it a quick primer- stuff the new one in and get out of there.
Now there are 2 of us installing for Clarity auto glass. We do everything by the book I pay my guy hourly, he takes his time on every job and that is how I want it. We are certified with DOW and registered with AGRSS. We use PGW auto glass, Express urethane, give a warranty on our work, we get good reviews, people constantly call and give us praise (especially my employee) on our work. We do not cut cost by buying cheap glass or urethane, and we do not cut corners. Yet getting insurance work is like pulling teath. You call your insurance and push 2 for a glass claim, the big glass company answers the phone. They of course give that job to thereself, when people call with a leaking windshield because the guy installed the FJ cruiser in 17 minutes, are they going to tell the insurance company that they suck? NO, they will go back and redo it - they give a warranty just like we do, the insurance company does not need to know My point is we do better work than they do, we use better glass and give a warranty. The insurance companies do not see it because they do not handle the glass claims the big glass company does. So if you need a windshield you can do your research on glass companies, and pick who you see fit, when you call to make a insurance glass claim, the big glass company I speak of will answer the phone and try stear you into using them. My advice is pick an independent, like clarity auto glass. Independants generally care more about there work. When it comes to my auto glass company, we use better glass and give the exact same limited lifetime warranty. The Auto Glass company I speak of does not answer the phone for all insurance companies, However it does for the vast majority even all the huge insurance companies.
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